So, you have THAT file, need help, have gone everywhere, got turned down.
Only one direction to go; private. Investors, interested to lend out their own capital and
or their RRSP are seasoned individuals, some novice but all of them want to see their return
in the double digit, adjusted to the degree of the risk they are taking. Some go higher in LTV,
some stays low, depending on the location and property strength, besides clients covenants.
One thing in common, make sure they understand the deal. When you submit a deal, make
sure you send a synopsis explaining the reason for the request, how will funding will help
the client’s situation. Provide proof of serviceability, make sure show the investor, the
client can afford the monthly payments, one or another way. Last, but not least, an exit
strategy will provide a vision for your lender to see you have a plan. Throwing a deal at
the wall to see if it sticks will not help you establish a good relationship with a private
lender, your deal will be turned down and or at least will go to the bottom of the pile.
Take it from me, private lender Zoli Padar. More good pointers next time…