Debt Consolidation Loans
What is a Debt Consolidation Loan
Before Debt Consolidation
Property Value: $500,000
Mortgage: $300,000 at 5% $1,745/m
Credit Card: $25,000 at 19% $395/m
Personal Loan: $25,000 at 6% $483/m
Total Monthly Payment: $2,623/m
After Debt Consolidation
Property Value: $500,000
Mortgage: $350,000 at 3% $1,656/m
Credit Card: $0 Paid
Personal Loan: $0 Paid
Total Monthly Payment: $1,656/m

Financial institutions have strict lending criteria and it can often be difficult to obtain a debt consolidation loan. In contrast, private lenders are less stringent and use common sense underwriting. Private lenders are focused on equity, rather than income or credit.
A debt consolidation loan is provided based on a percentage of the equity in a property. The more equity you have, the larger a debt consolidation loan you can likely obtain.

How to Qualify for a Debt Consolidation Loan
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